Tímarnir eru að breytast og FÓLK Reykjavik var stofnað til að stuðla að jákvæðum breytingum. Þessi grein lýsir stefnu FÓLKs sem kemur að sjálfbærni og hringrás og hvernig við innleiðum stefnuna í okkar vöruþróun.
Today, three years have passed since I took the big leap. From a leadership position at one of the largest companies in Iceland to establishing my own company.
I'm at home with a cup of coffee and a magazine. I look around and realize that most things I have decided to keep and display in my living room have a story behind them. Some of them are gifts from precious friends, others I bought from stores or people whose philosophy matched my own.
Náttúruleg & endurunnin hráefni
Margnota & endingargóðar vörur
Frí heimsending á Íslandi yfir 15.000 kr.
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